Awaken, Evolve, Flourish.

Join My Free 7-Day Energetic Realignment Challenge

Elevate your energetic frequency and experience transcendent mental clarity, emotional serenity, and amplified manifestation power.

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Is Your Energy in Alignment with Your Heart’s Desires?

When our internal energies and external aspirations align--we find ourselves in that beautiful flow--where miraculous synchronicities pop up and we feel divinely led and supported. Yet, with life’s ups and downs, that balance can easily be disrupted.

  • Do you experience repeating patterns and limiting beliefs that you can’t quite seem to clear out?
  • Do you feel foggy, unclear & disconnected from your higher guidance?
  • Does the magic of manifestation feel elusive, and like it’s only somewhat working for you?

Creating what you want in life all comes back to aligning your energy, and removing any hidden blocks, dark energies, cords, traumas, or patterns that collect through out life that hold you back, and creating an energetic resonance within you so powerful that it brings your dreams into physical reality.

Experience the Magic of Receiving Energetic Alchemy, Weekly inside THE SANCTUARy

No matter where we are in life, there's an innate need, a deep yearning for a sacred space where we can:

  • Rekindle and strengthen the connection with our Soul
  • Access next levels of our intuition, and ability to deeply trust where we are led
  • Lay down the weight of our doubts, insecurities and fears
  • Access higher dimensions, and align with the frequency of our desires

All of this happens inside my membership group, The Sanctuary. Learn more about here.

Join our Soul Family ✨

Sanctuary Membership

Included in your membership:

  • Receive LIVE Energy Clearing & Re-Alignment Every Week from a master energy healer devoted to you and everything you want most
  • Personal Requests LIVE every week to support you with whatever you need most
  • 100's of On Demand, Recorded Energetic Alchemy Sessions you can access anytime to support you with what you most need at the time
  • Distance Energy Clearings twice a week to keep you in the highest frequencies so you can attract your desires with A LOT more ease.

What Clients are Saying

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Founder of The Sanctuary & Author of Fortune Favors the Healed

Meet Madeline Eve

From a very young age, Madeline's gift was evident. More than just perceiving auras, she sees the intricate tapestry of energies—the radiant threads of your Soul's highest essence as well as the darker patches that hold you back. 

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realign & recalibrate

Work With Me Privately

1:1 Intuitive Healing Session


Designed to meet you exactly where you're at, our session together will be one of energetic realignment, revelation, and complete rejuvenation.


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1:1 Mentorship


A sacred container designed to support you in every area of your life--like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. 


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The Art of Inner Healing for Manifestation

Fortune Favors the Healed

"Fortune Favors the Healed" is your compass to the world of manifestation through the power of healing your emotions, thoughts and limiting beliefs, offering a compelling perspective on how adversity can be a stepping stone toward profound personal and spiritual growth.

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Weekly, Energetic Insights

Energy influences every aspect of our lives, often without us realizing it.

Madeline, gifted with the ability to see and understand these energies, shares her insights in her weekly newsletter.

She reveals what’s happening energetically each week, and offers guidance to help you navigate these shifts, allowing you to live and create with much more fulfillment and ease.


Receive exclusive energetic insights directly to your inbox weekly!

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